# Turbo SDK Release Notes
# Overview
Welcome to the documentation page for the Turbo SDK release notes. Here, you will find detailed information about each version of the Turbo SDK, including the enhancements, bug fixes, and any other changes introduced in every release. This page serves as a comprehensive resource to keep you informed about the latest developments and updates in the Turbo SDK. For those interested in exploring the source code, each version's code is readily accessible at our GitHub repository: Turbo SDK Releases (opens new window). Stay updated with the continuous improvements and advancements in the Turbo SDK by referring to this page for all release-related information.
# Releases
# 1.23.0
- eth on base: add methods/commands for funding ETH on base network for SDK and CLI PE-7481 (a5ac224 (opens new window))
# 1.22.1
Bug Fixes
- data post: add retry capability on upload file as intended PE-7598 (cfe312b (opens new window))
- http: catch uncaught
errors, return best effort error message PE-7598 (c884edc (opens new window))
# 1.22.0
Bug Fixes
- arconnect: use signDataItem method, signature is deprecated PE-7455 (0cd3ca7 (opens new window))
- cli: add custom Arweave tags support (4b367e2 (opens new window))
- cli: add tag support for file and folder uploads (5580085 (opens new window))
# 1.21.0
Bug Fixes
- include
on exported create signer function PE-7171 (3586f57 (opens new window))
- token-price: init new price method PE-7171 (c4df2f2 (opens new window))
- token-price: init token-price CLI command PE-7171 (5325173 (opens new window))
# 1.20.2
Bug Fixes
- share credits: use web polyfilled safe Buffer.from over Readable.from (473a469 (opens new window))
# 1.20.1
Bug Fixes
- access arweave at different levels of default for esm bundle compat PE-7069 (4c75290 (opens new window))
# 1.20.0
Bug Fixes
- arweave: modify import of Arweave in
(b934677 (opens new window)) - supply starknet dependency for resolving kyve-js -> keplr-wallet import error (cf5ab39 (opens new window))
- add cli helper for --local development endpoints PE-6754 (79fe7a0 (opens new window))
- delegated payments: add list-approvals command rather than overloaded balance command PE-6754 (ee44ef6 (opens new window))
- delegated payments: add paid-by headers for uploads when applicable PE-6754 (953648e (opens new window))
- delegated payments: add revoke approvals to SDK and CLI PE-6754 (f2d26da (opens new window))
- delegated payments: display approvals if they exist on
command PE-6754 (669dfca (opens new window)) - delegated payments: extend turbo.getBalance method to include approval details PE-6754 (baec107 (opens new window))
- delegated payments: init logic for create-approval PE-6754 (1047762 (opens new window))
- delegated payments: push created/revoked approvals into upload response if they exist PE-6754 (33da73d (opens new window))
- delegated payments: use any approvals first by default on CLI PE-6754 (96d4a32 (opens new window))
- update credit sharing command and method names (c3e9bd9 (opens new window))
# 1.19.2
Bug Fixes
- still use relative path for manifest when folderPath inputs with
PE-6975 (23007f7 (opens new window))
# 1.19.1
Bug Fixes
- deps: pin
dependency (aa424f4 (opens new window))
# 1.19.0
Bug Fixes
- upload file: allows buffer type in uploadFile inputs PE-6851 (7c8d75b (opens new window))
- web: implement walletAdapter for SOL and ETH web signing support PE-6052 (2ab2486 (opens new window))
# 1.18.0
- cli: add parameters to inject upload and payment urls PE-6830 (edf2948 (opens new window))
# 1.17.0
- pol: add support for matic/pol crypto fund PE-6722 (ee523ba (opens new window))
- pol: add support for matic/pol token uploads and top ups PE-6721 (62ff2c8 (opens new window))
- price commands: init CLI price command PE-6728 (d737b8e (opens new window))
# 1.16.1
Bug Fixes
- bump kyvejs to resolve downstream errors PE-6664 (3ccc0bf (opens new window))
# 1.16.0
Bug Fixes
- cli: assign token to config PE-6632 (d6444b2 (opens new window))
- crypto fund: add --tx-id parameter with submitFundTransaction compatibility and docs PE-6732 (23b6035 (opens new window))
- crypto fund: init confirmation promot PE-6732 (3714599 (opens new window))
- crypto fund: show target wallet in confirmation prompt PE-6732 (06f1c9a (opens new window))
- winc for token: init getWincForToken PE-6632 (143cb39 (opens new window))
# 1.15.0
Bug Fixes
- repair types returned from payment service PE-6718 (f97dfcb (opens new window))
- enable unauthenticated winc for fiat promo code PE-6716 (b2ade37 (opens new window))
# 1.14.1
Bug Fixes
- cli: assign token to config PE-6632 (5a0e837 (opens new window))
# 1.14.0
Bug Fixes
- repair dependency errors; upgrade arweave; upgrade to @ar (opens new window).io/arbundles PE-6664 (a2e421f (opens new window))
- upload file: init cli upload file command PE-6636 (f802fc5 (opens new window))
- upload folder: init CLI command PE-6636 (17af9f3 (opens new window))
- upload folder: init manifest options PE-6636 (305bd5a (opens new window))
# 1.13.0
- balance: init CLI balance command PE-6635 (18de656 (opens new window))
- top-up: init top-up with stripe checkout command PE-6635 (c43e11b (opens new window))
# 1.12.0
- balance: add an unauthenticated getBalance method PE-6630 (63bb4f8 (opens new window))
- native address: get native address from connected signer PE-6629 (7432156 (opens new window))
# 1.11.0
Bug Fixes
- cli: include bin/turbo in argv check PE-6449 (cf57515 (opens new window))
- cli: init a turbo cli tool featuring KYVE crypto fund PE-6449 (2eff402 (opens new window))
- kyve: add exported isTokenType helper PE-6448 (bf70d59 (opens new window))
- kyve: add tokenAmountToBase map PE-6448 (b2864b3 (opens new window))
- kyve: allow kyve token type for uploads and top ups PE-6447 (861d542 (opens new window))
- kyve: init KYVE crypto fund PE-6448 (120735f (opens new window))
- kyve: update exported types PE-6448 (e06608c (opens new window))
# 1.10.1
Bug Fixes
- expose
on unauthenticated turbo factory PE-6569 (7f0c44c (opens new window))
# 1.10.0
Bug Fixes
- build: update build outputs for web and README (74cce09 (opens new window))
- logger: fix winston setImmediate issue in web export for logger (481cbe6 (opens new window))
- upload folder: improve node exports PE-4643 (a6c073b (opens new window))
- upload folder: improve web exports PE-4643 (4b50778 (opens new window))
- upload folder: add manifest content type PE-4643 (af35d7b (opens new window))
- upload folder: add manifestOptions with disable, index, and fallback parameters PE-4643 (708ea15 (opens new window))
- upload folder: add mime types for content type PE-4643 (44d1240 (opens new window))
- upload folder: add throw on failure option PE-4643 (a258aa6 (opens new window))
- upload folder: defer to use user defined content type on files when provided PE-4643 (5d5ef89 (opens new window))
- upload folder: init web and node upload folder with manifest implementations PE-4643 (70d3135 (opens new window))
- upload folder: slice leading
from relative manifest paths PE-4643 (c6e3b7c (opens new window)) - upload folder: use concurrency with plimit-lit PE-4643 (110a424 (opens new window))
# 1.9.0
Bug Fixes
- eth payments: setup ETH in default constructor, remove default wait()
- eth payments: init eth tx payments
# 1.8.0
- solana payments: init solana token tools for sol payment
# 1.7.0
- upload: allow eth and sol signing for upload
- upload: allow eth/sol signer types
# 1.6.0
- top up: allow eth/sol destination for fiat top up
- top up: allow eth/sol destination for fiat top up
# 1.5.0
Bug Fixes
- fund with AR: add web esm compatible arweave export
- export Arconnect and ArweaveSigner from env specific signers
- crypto payments: Init fund methods
- crypto payments: Refactor arweave-js out of signer
- fund with AR: Add ToTokenAmount helper utils
- fund with AR: Catch polling error
- fund with AR: Continue polling on request error
- fund with AR: Throw no wallet found as error
- signers: Exports arbundles ArconnectSigner and ArweaveSigner
# 1.4.2
Bug Fixes
- arbundles: pin arbundles to v0.9.9 and run tests locally
# 1.4.1
Bug Fixes
- checkout session: correct query param, change type, add coverage
# 1.4.0
- ui mode: support query param for checkout session ui mode
# 1.3.0
Bug Fixes
- web: ensure we have the public key for arconnect wallets when signing data
- web: remove reference to
in websigner, use signer to signer to sign header
- signer: allow an optional signer to be passed instead of JWK for signing data items
# 1.2.0
- data item opts: init tags anchor and target support PE-5035
# 1.1.1
Bug Fixes
- exports: use bundled export to avoid issue with polyfilled features needed for web
- exports: web exports reference an invalid build path
- polyfills: update esbuild script to include crypto polyfill
# 1.1.0
Bug Fixes
- axios: set
on our axios instances
- logger: add configurable global logger
# 1.0.2
Bug Fixes
- upload: update the default upload service URL
# 1.0.1
Bug Fixes
- headers: add default headers for all HTTP requests
- release: use script that updates built version.js files
- version: update version.js to proper version on build and commit it back to git after a release
# 1.0.0
Bug Fixes
- add command that removes type module from package.json
- add command that removes type module from package.json
- add main import and allow wildcard imports
- add module to package.json and tweak types
- add one more step to make esm useable
- add owner to TurboUploadDataItemResponse and remove byteCount
- add separate folder for types, use it in named exports
- change name of public facing clients.
- cjs: add separate cjs and esm outputs
- content-length: require content length factory for uploads
- exports: move turbo configurations to turbo.ts so it is available to clients
- fix package.json
- modify return type of signDataItem function, tweak implementation of ArweaveSigner header
- move from getWincPriceForBytes to getUploadCosts
- package.json: add back module to package.json
- remove package.json from lib directory
- remove postinstall command
- replace retry-axios, add additional retry logic
- retry-axios: pin retry-axios to 3.0.0
- revert to single file upload/data item upload
- swap adding package.json to esm to cjs
- top up: export type PE-4465
- type imports for web and node
- types: finalize types, update default payment and upload URLs
- update main and types path in package.json
- update package.json output for esm
- update web signer and cleanup examples
- use .cjs as base for types to avoid reference require errors
- use declare in sub-classes to overwrite parent class type
- wildcard: allow wildcard exports for older projects
- wrong path for types!
- abstract axios to TurboHTTPService class
- abstract JWKInterface used in AuthenticatedPayment and AuthenticatedUploadService
- add remaining unauthenticated apis for payment service, introduce some new types, add tests
- add uploadFiles implementation for node and web
- break services into auth vs unauth
- initial implementation of TurboWebClient and TurboNodeClient
- introduce AbortController
- introduce uploadSignedDataItem interface, implement for node
- remove TurboDataItemVerifier
- sdk: all uphill from here 🚀 PE-4064
- top-up: init get checkout session PE-4465
- winc for fiat: extend AmountMapper pattern and add promoCode support PE-4465